Tag: interview prep

How do I answer nonsense questions in an interview? (TPOY069)

As with many difficult questions, the main point of asking a nonsense question is to see how we handle the unexpected.  While nonsense questions may seem impossible to anticipate and have no set answer, this Power of You …

How do I answer interviewers’ questions about my future when I don’t know myself? (TPOY068)

In a continuing series on Difficult Interview Questions, this Power of You microcast addresses how to answer future oriented questions like what we will be doing in five years.   Other Power of You microcasts referred to in …

How do I approach learning where I stand in the interview process? (TPOY066)

Interviews are the gateway to any job and so it is a good idea to know how we are being seen by our interviewers and what’s going on with the process generally. This Power of You microcast looks …

Interviewers are always asking me what is the best or worst or most important this or that – What is my best strategy to answer these kinds of questions? (TPOY055)

Many interview questions can take the form of what is the Best?  What is the Worst?  Or the Most, or the Least.  Don’t fall for it.  This microcast describes how to answer the question, and change the game …

How do I handle interview questions about problems with my boss? (TPOY043)

It is a good idea to remain positive about bosses, colleagues, clients, and most any aspect of work.  Yet many of the examples of our abilities and character that we would want to share involve dealing with bosses …

How do I find the information I need to successfully interview and at the same time appear ready to do the job? (TPOY042)

In our role as candidates we are focused on providing answers to the interviewer’s questions.  Without experience we need to learn those answers.  After a certain point that leads to having to ask someone.  And yet, in asking …

Why isn’t sharing my results good enough? Why do you say stories are more effective? (TPOY026)

This microcast shows three ways to convey value: claims, results and stories. Listening to all three helps us to understand what we get from each and why stories are the most valuable.

How do I answer the ‘What is your greatest weakness’ question? (TPOY025)

The ‘greatest weakness’ question is one that job candidates fear the most and yet it is the favorite of many interviewers.  There are a number of approaches we can take to this question which are covered in this …

Can you recommend how to handle behavioral interview questions? (TPOY024)

Many people fear Behavioral Interviews (these are where the interviewer asks you what you would do in specific situations).  This microcast will show you why you should hope for these behavioral questions.

Is it really necessary for interviewers to torture us with such difficult questions? (TPOY021)

We sometimes imagine interviews as a meeting where we are trying to be oh-so-perfect and the interviewer is trying to outwit us by asking difficult questions they learned in classes in advanced cruelty.  While I cannot vouch for …