Resume Review

August 16, 2022
6:15 pm - 8:00 pm

Win will be one of the coaches reviewing resumes at this event.


Bring your resume for critique by a panel of experts who will help making it more effective in conveying your value.  Coaches will be in individual breakout rooms and you will be able to change rooms over the course of the evening.


No resume? Come listen in to comments made to others.  Assignment to groups will be on a first come, first served basis.  Doors open at 6:15.


This is a free seminar from the Employment Advisory program. Founded in 1950, the Employment Advisory program helps people seeking employment or exploring new career options.



Registration is required.  Once registered you will receive a unique link to join the meeting.  Please register here.


For a preview of this topic, please listen to 5-minute microcasts here:


No Fee

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