Tag: expertise

How can I find ideas for my next job? (TPOY061)

Many of us feel the urge to move on from our current job and don’t get very far because we don’t know what else we could do.  This microcast identifies some ways to look at what we have …

I have just graduated and have no experience in any industry I want to work in – How do I compete without any relevant work experience ? (TPOY032)

Some students have the good fortune to get an internship in their industry of choice and many do not.  Yet employers only seem to be looking for candidates with experience.  How do we cross that gap?  This microcast …

I am so done with my current profession but it is all I know; How can I get a job I want? (TPOY023)

With the double whammy of being tired of our job and it being the only thing we know how to do, it might seem like we should give up.  Yet, much of the current workforce is in exactly …