Tag: pitch

Can you give me an example of a good accomplishment story? (TPOY059)

This microcast is the first in a series of samples that provide some ideas for the components of a good story.  This story is a little over two minutes and 300 words. Other Power of You microcasts referred …

How should I tell a story about what I have done so I don’t have to brag ? (TPOY027)

Bragging is seldom effective.  It is better to relate the facts, that is, to tell a story.  Stories are our most effective way of conveying our value to our listeners, be they our contacts or interviewers.  This microcast …

Help! I am trying to put together a pitch and don’t know where to begin. (TPOY013)

When we try to sit down and come up with the way we introduce ourselves (often called a “pitch” or “intro”) we find ourselves going around in circles.  The reason we get overwhelmed is because in practice there …

What is the most effective way to introduce myself professionally? (TPOY012)

Everyone knows they need an elevator pitch or a two-minute pitch in the job market.  The problem is that this is taken to mean a hard-boiled sales pitch.  In fact most people do not want to hear that …

How can I talk about my experience without bragging? (TPOY005)

It can feel very uncomfortable to talk about how we have contributed at work. It feels conceited and seems to force us to be a person we do want to be. The fact is, there is not just …