Tag: stories

As an expert in my industry, what questions can I have for my network besides ‘Do you know anybody with a job’? (TPOY070)

Those familiar with The Power of You will know that learning more and more about the positions, industries and organizations we are interested in is the most effective way to engage our network.  For those of us sticking …

What do I need to put in my interview follow up note? (TPOY065)

Everyone knows that we need to send a thank you note after an interview.  This Power of You microcast shows how to go beyond thank you and create a note that furthers our candidacy and gives us a …

Can you give me an example of a good accomplishment story? (TPOY059)

This microcast is the first in a series of samples that provide some ideas for the components of a good story.  This story is a little over two minutes and 300 words. Other Power of You microcasts referred …

How do I get to the point where I can speak about myself with confidence? (TPOY058)

We hear a lot about selling ourselves when it comes to the job market.  This can be a daunting prospect, but with some up front work, can be very manageable.  This microcast shows us how to get a …

If telling stories is so important for my job campaign, how can I tell a good story? (TPOY045)

As much as stories are part of our daily life, we can lack the understanding or confidence of how to tell a good story in a work context.  The microcast illustrates techniques and flourishes to bring our stories …

Being newly graduated and without experience, how can I convince anyone I would be a good employee? (TPOY036)

It sometimes seems like only an act of kindness can get us a job in the “real” world.  Why would anyone take a chance on us unless they know us?  What we have achieved in the academic world …

I am not an extrovert and wonder how I can execute a successful job campaign. (TPOY035)

Not everyone who seeks a job is an extrovert, which is just as well, as employers need  introverts to make their organizations run smoothly.  Many of those introverted skills and abilities, useful on the job, are also useful …

As a recent grad I feel I have to take any job to get started. Is that right? What if I hate it? (TPO034)

Being new to the workforce, we may feel powerless and at the mercy of the job market.  Some would say ‘Beggars can’t be choosers.’  It turns out, though, that the most important quality in a candidate, as the …

How should I tell a story about what I have done so I don’t have to brag ? (TPOY027)

Bragging is seldom effective.  It is better to relate the facts, that is, to tell a story.  Stories are our most effective way of conveying our value to our listeners, be they our contacts or interviewers.  This microcast …

Why isn’t sharing my results good enough? Why do you say stories are more effective? (TPOY026)

This microcast shows three ways to convey value: claims, results and stories. Listening to all three helps us to understand what we get from each and why stories are the most valuable.